Tech for Change: Building Bridges in Uncertain Times

Giving back is a major part of our culture here at Greyson. When our partners at Cisco approached us with the opportunity to join forces and give back to a local nonprofit agency with a mission to provide a safe harbor and support at-risk children and youth, we jumped right in. In the midst of a pandemic and a state shut down, we were determined to make a difference.

With four dedicated homes devoted to caring for sibling groups in Florida custody, and a residential maternity program dedicated to teen moms and their babies, this nonprofit organization, like many others around the world, was now operating under circumstances unlike anything they had ever seen. So, what do you do when you have over 24 youth varying in ages from 5 to 17 years old? You get creative!

The Florida Cisco team donated a Webex Board (one of my favorite Cisco collaboration tools, ever!) and got to work on a Wireless Wednesday program for the kids, with the goal of providing an educational and inspiring 90-minute session for them on a weekly basis.






Together, we had the opportunity to:

  • Talk about the kids’ power to bring together a global community
  • Share the different ways they can use their creativity and passion for the greater good—even in the middle of a pandemic
  • Careers in tech, mentorships, and internships
  • Paint motivational rocks
  • Play a few rounds of tic-tac-toe and
  • Have the ultimate Adult vs. Kids Pictionary battle ( Kids took home the W!)
    All this via Webex Meetings.

You see, when technology and purpose meet, magic happens. Sometimes, all it takes is just a little bit of creativity. Whether you’re looking to make a difference virtually or in person, by yourself, with your family or your organization, there are a ton of opportunities out there waiting for you. You have the tools. Get out there and change the world!